Sunday, 25 January 2015


Hello, it's Tomiwa again! I hope you're all having a fabby Sunday and that you all enjoyed our Leibster Award post earlier on in the week. So as you can tell from the tittle this post is a little thank you to my lovely mum!

Flashback to when I must have been about 8 or 9 and I was in my bedroom moisturising my legs. My mum came in and I said something along the lines of "I'm going to have legs just like Rachel Stevens" (I was obsessed with S Club 7). My mum responded with, "Don't have legs like Rachel Stevens, have your own legs."

Flashforward to now and I think this is one of the most important things my Mama has ever said to me. I constantly see people on my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posting 'fitspiration' or saying things such as 'I wish I looked like her' or 'body like her please' with a picture of a very beautifully airbrushed girl. Now, don't get me wrong, I think it is so important to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of other women - sometimes we don't do it enough. However, I think it is unhealthy to want to be something else, to use another women as your 'body inspiration'. My reasons why? All our bodies are different. Genetics plays a huge part in this, just because something works for one person does not mean that it will work for you, it doesn't even mean it should work for you.

It is completely and totally acceptable/allowed/okay to want to change your body, to make yourself fitter, healthier and to feel better about yourself. It's something i am determined to do myself this year. I just believe it is unhealthy to want to have the body of someone else, particularly those who frequent the media. 

I don't have legs like Rachel Stevens and you know what? I don't want legs like hers, I love my legs and even though I don't like my body all the time, I love my body because it's mine. So thank you Mama, for making sure I always have my own legs!

I'd love to know what you all think and hear some different perspectives on this topic. I think it's really important and interesting and it is always nice to here a different opinion so please let me know in the comments below!

T x

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