Monday, 19 January 2015

Liebster Award

Hello, Happy Monday! It's Tomiwa and Alice here and even though it's not Sunday we thought we would surprise you with another post. We were nominated by the lovely Hannah from the Luxury Blush to do the Liebster Award so here we go! Thank you for the nomination Hannah and please go check out her blog as well!


1. Link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate 5 - 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer
5. Notify all nominees via social media

The blogs we nominate are:

Our questions from the lovely Hannah:

1. What makeup product could you not live without?
Alice: I could not live without my Sleek eyebrow kit. It makes them look beautiful and perfect and yes haha! 
T: Them all? Haha, if I had to pick one it would be my MAC Studio Fix Powder, I have quite oily skin so I definitely like to carry this one around!

2. What is your favourite store?
Alice: I love IKEA and all the bits and bobs! I can be in there for hours and their meatballs are always a plus!
T: John Lewis, honestly, if I'm having a bad day a wander round looking at all the pretty things cheers me up perfectly!

3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Alice: There are so many places I want to go... but if I had to pick one it would be Australia.
 T: Uhuh, right now Australia is top of my list as well!

4. What quote is your favourite?
Alice: I like too many! But I'll give you one, "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.” - Joshua Graham
T: I'm a quote junkie but my current favourite is "No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow." - Maya Angelou

5. Lipstick or lipgloss?
Alice: Lipstick
T: Lipstick

6.Celebrity crush?
Alice: TOO MANY AGAIN, but one right now is Dylan O'Brien... He's beautiful.
T: Calvin Harris is beautiful and his Scottish accent is just a bonus!

7. Your fondest memory?
Alice: One of my favourites is when me and a lot of my family went to stay at a lighthouse for a week. We were all together, my grandpa was still well and everyone was just happy!
T: Too many to pick from but I've been having a bit of summer blues recently! Last summer in NY, it was just me and two of my best friends, I remember standing at the top of the red steps in Times Square at midnight, looking at this amazing city and thinking just wow, I have no words. 

8. What inspired you to start blogging?
Alice: Tomiwa haha
T: Alice? Haha, I read a lot of blogs and I felt like I had something to say as well. Also, me and Alice are so similar but still very different and so we're hoping we can create a nice balance of us!

9. Favourite food?
Alice: Roast potatoes
T: A Sunday roast? I don't know, I'll literally eat anything!

10. What is something you would like to achieve this year?
Alice: I would like to pass my first year of uni... please let me pass!
T: I want to be a 'do-er' as opposed to a 'say-er'. I have a list of things I want to do this year and I'm going to achieve them all!

11. Three positive things about yourself
Alice: I'm nice, I like my hair and I give pretty good advice!
T: I'm always smiling, I'm fiercely loyal to my friends/family and I don't take myself too seriously - life's no fun if you can't laugh at yourself!

Our Questions:

1. What is your favourite book?
2. What is your dream job?
3. What piece of clothing could you not live without?
4. What would your ideal present be?
5. Summer or winter?
6. What word makes you laugh?
7. What advice would you give to your younger self?
8. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
9. Onesie or dressing gown?
10. Favourite drink?
11. Name three ways to win your heart?

We hope you enjoyed this post. Please have a peak at the blogs we nominated because they're fabulous! If there is anything we've mentioned that you want to know more about, let us know in the comments!
Talk soon, 
Alice & T x


  1. I love how you both inspired each other to start blogging, that's cute!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Hehe, thank you! I'll have a little peek at your blog now!

  2. Hiya! I have nominated you for the very inspiring blogger award! Please check out this link to find out what you have to do
    Once you have done your nomination please let me know so I can find out more about you hehe! :)
    Love Simple Synth xo

  3. Thank you so much for nominating us, we'll get on this tomorrow! x
